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10 years ago
La historia va así: hace ya un tiempo, un hombre castigo su pequeña niña de 3 años por desperdiciar un rollo de papel de envoltura dorado. El dinero era escaso en esos días por lo que exploto en furia, cuando vio a la niña tratando de envolver una caja para ponerla debajo del árbol de navidad. mas sin embargo la niña le llevo el regalo a su padre la siguiente mañana y dijo: " Esto es para ti, Papito ", El se sintió avergonzado de su reacción de furia. pero este volvió a explotar cuando vio que la caja estaba vacía. Le volvió a gritar diciendo: " Que no sabes que cuando das un regalo alguien se supone que debe haber algo adentro " 
La pequeñita volteo hacia arriba con lagrimas en los ojos y dijo, " Oh, Papito, no esta vacía, Yo sople besos adentro de la caja, Todos para ti, Papi. "El Padre se sintió morir; Puso sus brazos alrededor de su niña y le suplico que lo perdonara. 
Se ha dicho que el hombre guardo esa caja dorada cerca de su cama por años y siempre que se sentía derrumbado. El tomaba de la caja un beso imaginario y recordaba el amor que su niña había puesto ahí. En una forma muy sensible, cada uno de nosotros humanos hemos recibido un recipiente dorado, lleno de amor incondicional y besos de nuestros hijos, amigos familia o de Dios. 
Nadie podría tener una propiedad o posesión mas hermosa que esta. 
10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

10 years ago
No, for me. . ;)
10 years ago

مركز تحميل الصور
مركز تحميل الصور
مركز تحميل الصور
مركز تحميل الصور
مركز تحميل الصور
10 years ago

10 years ago
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10 years ago

10 years ago

10 years ago

A Warm Hug
10 years ago
Good morning

Friend 4ever
You are my friend
On which I can depend.
You are the closest person to my heart
I will never try to break your heart
You make me feel delight
When my mood says to fight
I can bare anything for my dear
But cant bear when u fear
I will stand for you any time and place
Whether someone is with you or only god grace
I really respect you from my heart
Will keep you happy even I have to sell my part
If you are with me I feel I am in heaven
If you are far I feel somebody took me away from my dear pal
All I want to say is that we are friends
For ever forever and forever

Hug time
hugs 4 my frenz
10 years ago

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10 years ago

10 years ago
xiao ling ^^
10 years ago

There are many lessons we can draw from this story. Many times we are afraid to start a
new project that will require a large investment of time, resources , training and knowledge . many
unemployed being satisfied with mediocre results when they could achieve great victories remain.

Many times we have great opportunities we face in life and that can help us be
better people or they can open up new doors that lead to a better world ... but fear not ...

Life is a challenge, why do not we risk ? , Why do not we ? The train passes through our lives sometimes full of things ... can risk and go ... or let it go ... And if she does not ? What if that opportunity that we miss today is not repeated ?

gud morning
take care
10 years ago
A man was lost in the desert , destined to die of thirst. Luckily , he came to an old cabin, crumbling , windowless , roofless . The man walked around and found a small shadow where
accommodated from the heat and sun of the desert.

Looking around , he saw an old water pump, all rusty . He crawled toward it , grabbed the handle and began pumping , pumping and pumping nonstop, but nothing happened .

Disillusioned, prostrate fell back, and then noticed that his hand was an old bottle. He looked at the
cleaned of all the dust that covered it, and was able to read that said " You need to first prime the pump all the water containing this bottle my friend then please be kind enough to fill it again before
to march . "

The man unscrewed the cap of the bottle and saw that it was full of water ...full of water! Suddenly she
was in a dilemma : if he drank that water , he could survive , but if spilled on that old rusty pump , maybe get , cold , fresh water from the bottom of the well, and could take all the water they wanted, or perhaps may not , perhaps , the pump would not work and the water bottle would be wasted. What should I do ? Spilling ?
water in the pump and wait ... come out fresh water or drinking water from bottle old and ignore the message?

Should he lose all that water in the hope of those unreliable written instructions not how long ago ?

In the end, shed all the water in the pump , grabbed the handle and began to pump , and the pump started
grinding , butnothing happened ! The pump continued his noises and then suddenly came a thread of
water after a small flow and finally the water ran with plenty ... cool , clear water .

He filled the bottle and drank eagerly , filled again and took even more refreshing content. Then , filled it again for the next traveler, filled to the top, took the little note and added another sentence:

" Believe me it works, you have to give all the water before receiving it again."

There are many lessons we can draw from this story. Many times we are afraid t
10 years ago
10 years ago

With love

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