hellboyfromheaven  سجل زواري (529) وقع في سجل زواري

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9 سنة
good m
9 سنة
Good morning
10 سنة
Coba mas pp nya diganti aja
11 سنة

good evening friend

11 سنة
ihhh mas mah...
11 سنة
ga boleh -_-
11 سنة
مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور WISHING YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور

مركز تحميل الصور

مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور مركز تحميل الصور

11 سنة
11 سنة
Brothers and Sisters
must read it... it's my
humble request to All
of You
“I know it’s Haram but
… I love Him!!”
This is the answer
that some sisters give
when they tell them
that having bf is
Haram in Islam.
So this is a message
for everyone of them:
“Dear sister, generally
a Muslimah should
only love the man she
will accept to marry
because of his
commitment to his
deen! The more he
will be closed to Allah,
the more she should
love him. What about
you? Why do you love
him? Is it because of
his sweet love words?
Be certain that they
are nothing but
shaytan whispers!! Is
it because of his
promises of marriag?
If he really wants
you, he would be a
real man and come to
your house to ask for
your hand in marriag
e… If he is a real man,
he would approach
your wali not you!!
Have you ever asked
yourself if he truly
loves you? Because if
he truly does, then he
wouldn’t let you
face hell !! True love is
when you pray to be
gathered in Jannah
with the one you
love! That’s true love,
and it only comes
with Halal, after
marriage! Have you
ever asked yourself if
he would let his sister
have boyfriend? A real
Muslim man would
have jealousy on his
Maharim (his mother,
sister, wife…) and if
he has no Jealousy,
so he is “dayouth”as
Prophet Mohammad
(sallaAllahu alaihi wa
sallam) described this
type of man! If he
would let his sister to
have bf, then you will
know his true value,
but if he would refuse
to let her have bf then
you will know your
true value in his
sight!! Dear sister,
know that no matter
how much he “loves”
you in this Dunya , he
will hate you 1000X
more than that in the
Akhirah. YES!!He will
HATE you, he will
blame you for your
relationship when he
will be between the
Hands of Allah, and he
will beg for you to be
thrown into the fire
instead of him! Allah
says in Qur’an :"Al
lovers who had
relationships (on that
Day will be foes one
11 سنة
Image Hosting
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sakit Tuhan,hatiku sakit..
11 سنة
ur welcome :-)
11 سنة
Photo Sharing
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Gud dy enjoy
11 سنة
sama jelek ak jg kangen
11 سنة
ihhhh apaan sii mas?
11 سنة
lov u tu
11 سنة
Ya Allah! If I hurt others, give me
the strength to apologize. If
people hurt me, give me the
strength to forgive. Ya Allah! As
You have made my form beautiful
so make my character beautiful.
11 سنة
Weekend Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics

Dreaming of You Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics

Friendship Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics

Best Friends Scraps, Greetings and Comments for Orkut Myspace

Best Friends Scraps, Greetings and Comments for Orkut Myspace
11 سنة
Itu tw..,
baaaaaik dwoooonk a!ahaha
a gmN bae uga???8-)
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