Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 14 years ago
Themero desde: 16 years ago
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 44

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es complicado
Modelo de Movil: Nokia 6600, iphone, samsung soul
Operador de Movil: Globe
Ocupación: System Analyst
Compañias: Independent
Escuela: URS, and DLSU
Me gusta: im a sucker for a nerd and genius girls
Odio: a person that is annoying
Música Favorita: punk metal, rap metal
Peliculas Favoritas: Enemy of the Gates, Brave Heart
Libros Favoritos: all Stephen Kings Noble
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Being a father helps me be more responsible... you see more things than you've ever seen.

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A lot of people don't realize that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they just shrug it.
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