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Buku tamu saya (4) Daftar buku tamu

7 years ago
'When two people first meet,
they can only have a
very ordinary kind of friendship.
But when you begin to understand each other,
when you get close to them,
you discover that you're
suddenly eager to know him or her even better.''

'Friendship is unnecessary,
like philosophy, like art...
It has no survival value;
rather it is one of those things
that give value to survival.'

'A lot of the powerful religious leaders,
from Jesus to Buddha to Muhammad to Tibetan monks,
they're really talking about the same things:
love and acceptable, and the value of friendship,
and respecting yourself...
so you can respect others.'

'Strike to have friends,
for life without friends is..
like life on a desert island...
to find one real friend
in a lifetime is good fortune;
to keep him/her is a blessing.'

'We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone.
Only through our love and friendship
can we create the illusion
for the moment that we're not alone???'
7 years ago
Hy how's u?
7 years ago
thats u???
7 years ago
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