rancid13  Buku tamu saya (10) Daftar buku tamu

11 years ago
11 years ago
if U veryfy ur id.so thn I will accpt ur rqst ok...

so frst vryfy ur iD .......
11 years ago
">http://images.paraorkut.com/img/myspace/Emo_1125675627_18-emo.jpg" border="0"/>

I try so hard to be strong, but then I think of you, and then I cry. I pray God will show you my sorrow, so you could see that I’ve always loved you.

">http://comments16.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/bro20.jpg" border="0"/>

What happens when the one person who makes you insanely happy makes you cry?

">http://comments16.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/bro35.gif" border="0"/>

it’s amazing how you can mean so much to someone one day, and the next it’s like you never even existed to them why?

">http://comments16.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/bro45.gif" border="0"/>

the worst thing you ever did to me wasmake me fall in love with you, and then not catch me when I fell.

">http://comments16.com/wp-content/uploads/9612/cant.gif" border="0"/>

11 years ago
Each drop of a Tear is Costly than anything in
No One knows its value until they have it in their
own eyes For Someone
11 years ago
rancu dude
11 years ago
tnx po kua ran,,,

11 years ago
Wc be friend.
11 years ago
hello my new friend.. thank you so much for adding me as your friend.. can't wait to make some chat with you..

by: Eismayeel
11 years ago
Rancid is also a punk. Apir B-)
11 years ago
Im aron, a cool punk rocker. If you want more info to know who i am. Chat with me
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