

Son Giriş: 14 years ago
Üyelik Tarihi: 15 years ago
Ülke: iloilo
Cinsiyet: Bayan
Yaşım: 41

Anonymous Identity

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İlişki Durumum: Söylemem
Telefon Modeli: 3230, 2630, 5310
Sevdiklerim: I rather look up on the attitude and people who likes me
Nefret Ettiklerim: i love more people whos hate me,
Sevdiğim Müzikler: Love songs, acoustic
Sevdiğim Filmler: twilight, but i never been watch it, hahaha
Sevdiğim Kitaplar: i really love books esp, havent cover,
Sevdiğim Ünlüler: those celebrities that they know me too,
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starla: it's hard for me being pretty

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<div style="text-align:center;">
I'm an angel, I'm a devil,
I am sometimes in between.
I'm as bad it can get,
And good as it can be.
Sometimes I'm a million colors.
Sometimes I'm black and white.
I am all extremes.
Try figure me out. You never can.
There's so many things I am.
I am special.
I am beautiful.
I am wonderful
And powerful,
Sometimes I'm miserable,
Sometimes I'm pitiful,
But that's so typical of all the things I am.

I'm someone filled with self-belief
And haunted by self-doubt.
I've got all the answers.
I've got nothing figured out.
I like to be by myself.
I hate to be alone.
I'm up and I am down.
But that's part of the thrill,
Part of the plan,
Part of all of the things I am.

I'm a million contradictions.
Sometimes I make no sense.
Sometimes I'm perfect.
Sometimes I'm a mess.
Sometimes I'm not sure who I am.

<div style="text-align:center;">animation,  Image Hosting

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