

最后登录时间: 15 年前
何时加入吾网: 17 年前
国际/地区: Merville
年龄: 48



情感状况: 单身贵族
我的手机型号: Nokia N70, Nokia N73, SE 610i
我的电讯运营商: Globe, Smart, Sun
职业: Official Photographer, Chauffer, amp, Shrink to friends
公司: Manila Peninsula, Makati Shangrila, IBank, Rustans, Globe, Yapster
学校: I, C, A Greenhills, Assumption San Lo, DLSU
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Trissie: Don't judge me before you know me. The more you use your eyes the less you see...



I am a...mentally deranged lunatic & known to be clinically insane, overage juvenile delinquent, frustrated race car driver, shopaholic (only when needed, God bless those who invented the “Boyfriend” seats), parlor advocate, kikay, obsessive compulsive, dog lover, camera addict, gadget & gizmo aficionado, mobile phone devotee, "Kaladkarin!" (I have a mole under my heel! Now that explains it!?), Ben & Jerry ice cream addict. Can be physically likened to a Goodyear blimp. (I was never one to deny that I am a COW hehe) Haha! I abhor carbonated drinks. Perpetually Perplexed. I have a passion for puppies, teddy bears & dolphins. Part-time pessimist; full-time eccentric; professional humorist; engrossly absorbed in my art; photography (of my friends & myself..if the photos here aren’t indicative enough) unconventional; jaded; masochistic (or so I was told) ; secretly psychotic (wait, secretly?!); great procrastinator; self-proclaimed fashionista (not having any sense of fashion is also true I think) ; cunning in all aspect of existence; oddly melancholic when alone (but prefers it instead of mingling with perverts and braggadocios); secretive & unpredictable (hate surprises but love giving them) ; extremely romantic(hopeless as well)I still believe in true love; loves anything PINK, hardly becomes angry unless provoked, an uncomplicated person. I'm extremely protective of friends, family and loved ones. I find pleasure in the smallest things & simplest gestures, patient & a tad bit gullible. I don’t particularly like sweets like chocolate & desserts but I love Polvoron & Chocnut. I don't smoke nor drink (Watermelon shake please!)A penny pincher, super Kuripot (with a capital K) to myself at least but generous to others (I’m a Leo) . A certified Figaro addict. Seriously!
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