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Prasant10 Guestbook

ily188121  (13 years ago)

without money life is nothing
but i m very rich because
i have many great




ily188121  (13 years ago)

my dear friend...
pls help me...
In ownskin start one competition...
Ownskin icon of weet...
N i parttake it...
So pls vote me..
Open me friendlist n see my friend bebodreamworld2 id..
N write in her guest book ya in pm
"my vote for ily188121"

(mean you sign in bebodreamworld2 guesbook ya in pm with this word "my vote for ily188121" )
pls pls pls
Teena333  (13 years ago)
"If yOu Really Want tO Give sOmeOne A Gift, Try tO Give Them yOur Time And attentiOn" "A lOving Heart dOesn't Expect Anything mOre Than That". gud morng.
Teena333  (13 years ago)
Good night cute boy
Prasant62  (13 years ago)
Hi frnd wats r u doing? Wats u r name?my mob no-9178028165 give me u r mobile no?
Idiotf7  (13 years ago)
Hai prasanth m nt alwys chat and if m chat tis sit difanetly i ll do my frnd
Prasant10  (13 years ago)
Hi sharvi plz chat with me i m u r new frnd

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