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 Ownskin Mobile Ringtones,Videos,Apps

i thnk updatin d fone list shud b done freqtly. My nokia 603 is nt d list  (11 years ago)

tiffanylahope download icons here > http://www.mediafire.com/?t5afar9dbira8gk (11 years ago)

i need an icon for the theme. where i can find them? in old ownskin i will get on forum: icons, pop up banners and etch. please help me. thank you so much (11 years ago)

yah you right (12 years ago)

Greatttttt  (12 years ago)

There need a Ringtone and videos Upload and download service to .. then people can download here themes,flash,wallpaper and ringtone ..... then it will complete a mobile site.. people will more visit here.. then all users will like to use this website .. and there need a app potion to where people can download apps (games,mobile app)....peoples always searching for ringtone, videos,.. all peoples always want that type of site where they can download all things for mobile like > themes,wallpaper,flash,ringtone,video,app.. that all things..... if Ownskin will provide that all things then all people will more likes to use this website for his/her mobile contents . (12 years ago)

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