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 i check ur honesty!

.. (12 years ago)

(12 years ago)

alien... What's the ability of Your God now..? Does he protect everyone in this present world? Not at all.... If You do like you said, I'll call you as Super God... Ha.. Haa.. (12 years ago)

next time alien.. Nice t0pic. Keep it up.. I had fun.. Thanks (12 years ago)

oops kreaious.. Dnt forget that u r God n u have ability as a God has. Btw, u already knw wht will happen in next time and depend on ur will. Well i did nt consider any ans. As wrong (as u said in ur prev. Comment) (12 years ago)

oops kreaious.. Dnt forget that u r God n u have ability as a God has. Btw, u already knw wht will happen in next time and depend on ur will. Well i did nt consider any ans. As wrong (as u said in ur prev. Comment) (12 years ago)

There most pple agree with Jhiezb opinion....Ok....if 2day u do the thing like Jhiezb said....And 2morrow the dog that u has been gave fed bite u....wht will u do....?hehe...sorry my english poor... (12 years ago)

But, whats the nature of Your God..? Again I say, this World is made by the Survival of the Fittest..... heee.. (12 years ago)

phoenix since u r God for 1 day and dog is very bad strave, the dog cant become strave in 1 day. So automatically,the real God has already made the dog strave. And if u think that is human nature, then smtym God behave ae human..  (12 years ago)

oh i see.. ;D ok.. I'll let the d0g d0 whatever he thinks.. I need to kn0w if the d0g can really eat a cat.. And if ever he can, i need to kn0w either h0w can a cat overc0me with it..  (12 years ago)

oh i see.. ;D ok.. I'll let the d0g d0 whatever he thinks.. I need to kn0w if the d0g can really eat a cat.. If ever he can, i need to kn0w either h0w can a cat overc0me with it.. (12 years ago)

oh i see.. ;D ok.. I'll let the d0g d0 whatever he thinks.. I need to kn0w if the d0g can really eat a cat.. If ever he can, i need to kn0w either h0w can a cat overc0me with it.. (12 years ago)

ok kreous.. I want that u would respond my question... (12 years ago)

ph0enix has a p0int.. Alien y0u d0n't need to pin p0int the right answer.. This is a pers0nality questi0n.. We all have diff opini0ns.. There's n0 right or wr0ng here.. And if i were to resp0nd to y0ur questi0n, i will do the same with ph0enix..  (12 years ago)

And, "giving food to the dog to make escape the cat" is Human's nature... Not Your God's nature... Haaa.. Haaa.. (12 years ago)

Lovely, just read my Q for alien.. (12 years ago)

Cz m God for 1 day,so i ll do the same thing as jhizeb. Said. . I ll give food 2 dog nd let the cat live her life. . (12 years ago)

alien... Don't bring any twist on your Q.. Just ans for what is Questioned.. If you have the ability to provide the food for the dog, then why did you let the dog to the edge of the death..? Ans for this.. (12 years ago)

i aw sorry its anyone* nt u (12 years ago)

hmm... Phoenix i think my ans is 99.99% right.. See if u eat sugar every time u will forget taste of sugar similarly taste of a bitter thing... (12 years ago)

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