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 Can Love can turn back to friendship ?

Hello Everyone.....Do u guys think can u turn love back to friendship ? Or Friendship can turn back to Love ? (12 years ago)

Hello, .. Love often starts from friendship.. It can turn be anythings.  (12 years ago)

well, it can be, but the friendship in the past will not be the same in a friendship that flowed from a relationship.. (12 years ago)

Eg::- love_hate? (12 years ago)

..maybe my friend,.-the closeness is not the same.-this instance actually not been done to me, the topic is just oppinionated.. (12 years ago)

just almost find out friendship can turn to love but love turn to friendship :O no idea ... its getting akward  (12 years ago)

I can if he can..  (12 years ago)

syawn: (12 years ago)

turning love back into friendship? yes it can, but not the friendship you once had because there is probably a reason why love didn't last and whether you like it or not the pain happened in the past cannot wash out in just a drop of a hat.. About the friendship turning back into love, well i guess i the term turning back is not appropriate because its should be moving forward to love.. (12 years ago)

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