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 there should be on forum

We have 2 forums in os on pc community forum one mforum it should be one because mods and admins they always visit on community forum not to mforum what's your opinion  (12 years ago)

Sorry my english is bad  (12 years ago)

well i dint really get yur post am sorr¡e but wud lyk to say i love yur id name... (12 years ago)

Yå i knew it..!! She will like your name dat wat she really!s..!!p btw you right there is no n3ed of two frmz..!! If they interestd in keepin two diff formz atleast they shud manage sometim to maintjan!t in proper way..!! (12 years ago)

right said dude. Lol.. (12 years ago)

:claping: hatoff! Gud Q well known.> M forum VS pc forum community are just seperated out. As if we switching to" M old version" find out there is also forum. What is kind of both differ forum ??? Can't understand it too ' still wondering about that. (12 years ago)

it could be big community in one if the administration would do! but it will never be possibly if they're not! .. let it be seperated off,then! (12 years ago)

We setup the pc forum using 3rd party forum software, and that is many years back before we start ownskin mobile site. As that 3rd party software does not have a mobile version, or rather its mobile version is not user friendly, thus we develop our own mobile forum. That is the reason why we now end up in 2 forums. (12 years ago)

Excuse me! sir , I don't think so as I have been on zedge and elsewhere, there has only one forum for members , well! they can be used join only one community., its also a reason of confusion and discrimination a level to users. Are you sure of your judging that "its mobile version is not user friendly" I totally disagreed, as if they had step in to community that means they want to socialise., further on, I don't think "I" would make a wish to your any more! btw thanks a reply this, that making against the previously complaint on discussions of an others. (12 years ago)

when i said not user friendly, i means the 3rd party forum software which we use, its mobile version user interface is not friendly for mobile. (12 years ago)

3rd party technical process that , I still don't believe on an issues to our mobile whether interface is not friendly for mobile , etc as myself or others, As if it stays in own comfort zone for me one of users whenever we used to get on other sites.,I never afraid to your make decisions. 'whatever will be, will be' has no sense of freedom of choice.,just little deliberation because for equitable as Compliance with else sites rather gives own power over to authority ; if you said but it couldn't do for own site so let it up leads to many lost opportunities as they come up, then.; thank you. (12 years ago)

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