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 My browsers not working

I have nokia,uc,and opera6.1 browsers on my nokia 6300 when i try to open any page on these browsers an error msg comes on disply "conecction faild retry"same problem wd 3 of those browsers.but at the same time the default of my nokia 6300 is working.what can i do to get the acces through my browsers?plz help ne. (12 years ago)

hey thats access point pblm. Opera mini is not getting acces point through which it connect. Check setting >configuration setting> select access point and activate that access point. agar nahi chalta hai. To setting mangwao fir se. And then set default setting. Switch off n then switch on ur mob. (12 years ago)

is it working now najami?? (12 years ago)

No alien bro its not working i have tried both options but prblm is as it is plz help me,,! (12 years ago)

do this go to setting>configuration>activate default in all application. As om is java it will ask u for permission. Select always allow. if still pblm, delete om and install again. Frm m.opera.com tip: u must see 'E' at top left side of the sceen while connecting..  (12 years ago)

do this go to setting>configuration>activate default in all application. As om is java it will ask u for permission. Select always allow. if still pblm, delete om and install again. Frm m.opera.com tip: u must see 'E' at top left side of the sceen while connecting..  (12 years ago)

do this go to setting>configuration>activate default in all application. As om is java it will ask u for permission. Select always allow. if still pblm, delete om and install again. Frm m.opera.com tip: u must see 'E' at top left side of the sceen while connecting..  (12 years ago)

do this go to setting>configuration>activate default in all application. As om is java it will ask u for permission. Select always allow. if still pblm, delete om and install again. Frm m.opera.com tip: u must see 'E' at top left side of the sceen while connecting..  (12 years ago)

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