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 what is love?

=) haha  (12 years ago)

'Not evrY FeelinGz Of d world can b desCribed in wordZ,,' ... Diz a nice answer, i wud try diz everywhere i go mummm (12 years ago)

no need of respect yu carry on...! (12 years ago)

it's my own opinion.. if you bg to disagree i'll respect.. (12 years ago)

really¿ (12 years ago)

for me, there is no exact definition of love..but it is love whenever there is a person whom had all negative attitudes and yet you still want him/her beside y0u .. whenever y0u are wr0ng still s/he is at y0ur side.. Shortly saying, love is n0t ab0ut right or wr0ng.. Its ab0ut fighting t0gether th0ughtless of the p0int.. It is just based on my p0int of view.. (12 years ago)

for me, there is no exact definition of love..but it is love whenever there is a person whom had all negative attitudes and yet you still want him/her beside y0u .. whenever y0u are wr0ng still s/he is at y0ur side.. Shortly saying, love is n0t ab0ut right or wr0ng.. Its ab0ut fighting t0gether th0ughtless of the p0int.. It is just based on my p0int of view.. (12 years ago)

Love.... Which makes the parents to clap when seeing a cinema at which a couple get succeed in their love after many hurdles, And Makes the same Parents to slap their son/daughter is falling in love in real life.. This is my own thought.. (12 years ago)

yes nafaa.. Mujhe pta hai.. (12 years ago)

arre itne bade ho gaye ho tumhe pyar ka nahi pta!  (12 years ago)

Itz a misunderstatng.. (12 years ago)

it's a group of friends sitting in a bar with bottels in hand and saying p'yar (12 years ago)

post herE plz (12 years ago)

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