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as i wrote... dnt get hurt its only my opinion....if u got gurted then excuse me... as u told u dnt want to leave frienda who r not trusted .... but if admin will update os chat to only enter in trusted skiner...in that way u will also gonna leave ur anonymous frnds..... so come to the point...presently whatever os chat is perfect ...coz u dnt wanna leave anonymous frnds and they dnt wanna leave u and vice-versa.... so only os chat for only the trusted skiner is not a perfect solution..... it is perfect whatever it is now... if u r mrPerfectionist and want more perfection in os.... then try to convince all users to make their id trusted ... this is the only solution  (12 years ago)

@raju . Yes a owner can handal a room but when that owner out of room then who will handle room ? Mod ? Mod never doing like that. And what u will do whe a room owner is abuser ? You sad id u r a trusted skinner then create a trusted room ..... Etc . As you no here no more people have intrest to create/open a room... .. Finally u said if u not creating a trusted skiner room then you like to chat with fakers etc. I want to say that here lots of friend whom have not verified id and we cant force them to create a trusted id ! And we cant leave them too. There lots of problen and reson for that we cant show it ! And who doing blame on admin ? No one doing that here in topic. About update we talking about that what we feel and what we seen in chatroom .. That y we are talking about update. I never said here must need these type of update. I just share my opnion .. If admin intrested to doing that then they will do and if they r not intrested then they will not do . We are not doing force here to someone. Thats it! (12 years ago)

but at last i want to say that newly trusted skiner (trusted skiner from a week) cnt become the owner of room created by them...so admin must need to fix this problem as soon as possible....and frnds this was only my opion...if anyone got hurted then excuse me...!!!! (12 years ago)

i saw everyone's post..but i thnk..i still need to say something about os chat...presently os chat is perfect and it dnt need anything to update....if u r a trusted skiner then u can create ur own room and further u can set ur room as trusted by typing /trust ...which will allow only trusted skiner to enter in ur room...its a nice command which owner can set..but still if u dnt set ur room as trusted then its ur fault...it directly mean that u like to chat with fakes and u love fakers to be in ur room...so its ur own risk if u get abusing as reward...so dnt blame admin to just saying update ..update ..update...first of all read the os chat guide and control ur own room ...ans stay away with fakers...this is the only way u can avoid fakes.... and as my thought email verification is not needed if ownskin take verification by cell no.. email and cell no. verification are almost same...even if u will make email account u will need ur cell no. to verify....so admins of os r in perfect way ....but at last one thin (12 years ago)

i have seen here peoples always always updating his " Latest Feeling " but once he update then he/she cant find old feelings so apply a option like " My All Feelings " option. like >> http://i48.tinypic.com/8xudqg.png (12 years ago)

Sorry we do not see a need or value in verifying email after we have mobile numbers. One is enough  (12 years ago)

madwolf@ as i know no one can stop fake users but we can less fakes .. and i know email verification will less lots of fakes . (12 years ago)

Manis  (12 years ago)

Madwolf@ i m talking bout both way to verify... 1. Email 2.mobile number.. I know people can create lots of email but how much email the can create ? 10 ? 20? 30? Or 50 ? They cant manneg lots of email . And ther are 60% mobile user ... Creating lots of email will hard for mobile user..... So it will something safe... But if email verify option will not start then people can register his/her lots of ids on 1 email. If email verify option will not start then people can create more then 100 ids on only 1 email.... Thats why there need email verification to . (12 years ago)

It is easy to create lots of email account, which is impossible to verify. So We choose mobile phone number to verify. Which is much harder to fake and 1 number could only be used once. Verify using email is to easy to create new.  (12 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

Libyan and I am proud (12 years ago)

Admin & peoples check this New Options in "profile" (new design ) http://i47.tinypic.com/a4uet5.png .. do you think this new "options is gud " for profile . just give your opinion . (12 years ago)

jab se chatroom ka reset option band hua tab se yaha pe bahut users ana band kar dia ab Yeh sab karne se baki jo b users arahe Voh b ana band kar denge Kuch maza nahi ayega dek lena  (12 years ago)

Baloch1@ i have advice and i just sharing here .. and i m not doing chat now days ..coz these days i m so busy . not have time for chat. (12 years ago)

baloch1 @ they can verify some ids but they cant verify his/her all ids .. or if they create some 5/6 ids then they cant use that ids for abuse like old days .. in old days a id can create 5 chatrooms . but now only they can create 1 chatroom from 1 id and if he create more rooms from 1 id then that rroom will not show in chatroom list coz only that room will show in chat room list which have owner . got it ?  (12 years ago)

knett i said 1 user can create onky 5 change room it mean he can be owner of only 5 chatrooms ... he can change ownership 5 times he can change his room only 5 times... coz i seen there many times if a abuser have trusted skiner he always changing his room name ... aand he caan alwyas change a room to create other abuse chatroom name .. but if here will allowd only 5 chatroom to a user then he/she never ca change a room ... and i said that also already .. without owner room will not visible it means if room have no owner then chat room will no show in chatroom list ..  (12 years ago)

knett read it carefully > . os chat need some more security ,, like (1.) A trusted Skinner can enter in os chat !! (2.) trusted skinner can create a chatroom !!! (3.) if a trusted Skinner create a chatroom then he/she need to be owner of that chat room to show that chat room in chat room list .. other wise that chatroom will not show in chatroom list .. i mean a if chatroom have owner then that room will show in chatrroom list or if room have not owner then that chat room will not show in chat room list ... (4.) a trusted Skinner can create only 5 chat room (lifetime)its mean a owner can be owner of only 5 chat rooms .. after these security level i m sure chatroom will more safe . .... (12 years ago)

that time was much better when room was only one "ENGLISH" room. (12 years ago)

i was shared about " Delete Account " option but admins not reply me ... and its still not done (12 years ago)

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