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@baloch that why i said make like that when a untrusted skiner login his/her id and create and new id then he/she auto get a verify page then he/she can verify his/her id easy(i mean he/she cant do anything without veryfy page, how many times he/she login his/her page then he got first a verify page). and after veryfy they use chat chatroom or forum to ask any problem.  (12 years ago)

baloch@ they can veryfy only 1 account from a number .. i dont hin people have more then 5 number .. if he/she have 5 number then he/she can veryfy only 5 ids. (12 years ago)

baloch1 i know . that was just my advice . i was talking for 2 ways. you can se now here a user ca use 1 email for 100 id but when there only a user can use 1 email for 1 id then it will hard for a user to fake create a fake id . maybe he/she will start to create emails but how much email they can create ? maybe 10 ? 20?50? they will tired to create emails. (12 years ago)

ryt knett you can less fakes but you cant stop fakes  (12 years ago)

Hi I wanted to become admin ov ownskin,How Could i?Tell me. Plzzz  (11 years ago)

ban all cats  (11 years ago)

U r d biggest cat  (11 years ago)

ok (11 years ago)

K den ur id also shud b get banned  (11 years ago)

i'm not an abuser  (11 years ago)

Den y u acceptd dt u r a cat ?  (11 years ago)

i say ok as i can careless with what you say (11 years ago)

Don't b so careles othrs may thnk wrng abt u  (11 years ago)

i really don't care with others think about me .... only my family and hubby  (11 years ago)

K good fr u btw ur hubby s also a big cat  (11 years ago)

my hubby is a real man wich is somenthing you can't denie i saw how he handle you he was'nt nice  (11 years ago)

Yur hubby looks lik a women to me n u r calng him as a man ? n i thnk u saw dt n ur dream coz he's a coward cat he alwys ban me n den he meow's  (11 years ago)

 (11 years ago)

Wt hapn catwomen ? (11 years ago)

nothing day dreamer lying is a deadly sin and it's very rude  (11 years ago)

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