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Im nt a day dreamer n im nt lying if u wnt u can ask ur hubby he wil tel u who iam  (11 years ago)

i'm pretty sure that he does'nt know you regardless of you being obcessed with me Mr...i know you i saw what happen no worries i won't expose you in public  (11 years ago)

Im obsessed wit u ? wt did u saw n wt hapn ? u won't expose me n public ? I thnk u r drunk ? (11 years ago)

no i won't talk about what he did to you he humble you you must be confusing him with someone else i guess or you suffer from a mental diseaseanyway i won't reply you anymore you're boring and a pure waste of time (11 years ago)

u can't talk abt dt coz der s nothn to talk abt n u r jst lying..u n ur hubby thnks dt u r d smart people on os bt u both r completely opposite...I knw vry well abt him n u as well.. (11 years ago)

N btw im nt boring u dnt hv any answers fr my questions dt's y u r goin n hiding lik ur hubby  (11 years ago)

first i don't lie my parents taught me to say the truth always second i don't think i'm better than anyone unlike you and i don't pretend to be someone else mr.tough guy that sits behind a computer and trys to act like a cartoon (11 years ago)

U nevr lie n i shud beliv u ? Didn't ur parents taught u hw to respect othrs,not to be racist ? N talkin abt cartoon ur bf s d biggest cartoon on os  (11 years ago)

Hey Guys Stop Fighting. (11 years ago)

who r fighting ?I don't fight wit catwomen (11 years ago)

i'm not racist it and respect is earned i can't really respect you cause you keep being disrespectfuland stop talking about my bf you sound so bitter  (11 years ago)

I don't expect u to respect me coz i dnt care wt u thnk abt me. Evry1 knws here dt u n ur bf r racists. If he's ur bf so wt ? I wil talk abt any1 i wnt.  (11 years ago)

dude when i was ever racist to you or to anybody else?stop spreading lies also when Daniel was racist to you?dude stop the acthe kicked your butt only i apologize for that ok (11 years ago)

I think yu are suffering from amnesia go n consult a good doctor u liar : He kicked my butt or i kicked urs n yur bf butt  (11 years ago)

I'm trying to b polite so be polite u racist. On chat room u r afraid and act, chat like innocent gal but here u r trying to show othrs that u r cool coz admins are here (11 years ago)

i asked when i was ever racist to you?you have a very special imagination good for you and i can't forget how you get handled by him everytime you try to act funny you talk about us like you know us that's hilarious i don't act i don't need to i'm not here to impress anyone (11 years ago)

Evry1 knws dt u r a racist, y dnt u meet me on chat sumdy den i wil xplain u n brief coz here it won't b polite if i strt explaining u abt evrythngs.!  (10 years ago)

Hey i dnt knw who u r bt u look lik a gay to me, fr ur kind info my last post ws fr house nt fr u. (10 years ago)

Fist of al i woud lik to advise both of u to go n learn proper 'ENGLISH'.U knw wt instead of getn angry I laughed aftr readin ur posts.. It's so funny d way u both speak English..I dnt knw wt to reply coz I realy dint understood wt u guys wntd to convey except few thngs. So try to be more specific next time.I wil rply to ur future posts if I get time coz I dnt hv time to waste here n I'm nt a homie lik u guys! (10 years ago)

Seema I alwys tel u to mind ur own business, I knw dt u r a looser n top of dt u r a racist..So der s no point of arguing wit a racist who supports othr racists.Henry I'm sorry I dnt knw wether to address u as Mr. Henry or Miss. Henry I'm vry confused. I request u to ask ur parents abt ur real gender bcoz u dnt look r chat lik a real Man.Anywy fr the timebeing I wil address u as Miss. Henrylguo..Ok Miss good to knw dt u hv joined the loosers gang hv fun bt dnt try to act macho.I giv respect to ladies n arguing wit ladies s waste of time..so I spare u both!! (10 years ago)

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