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addition: check this link http://i41.tinypic.com/kyiy9.jpg dont you think this one is more organized? (12 years ago)

we have seen on index page there is a "member search button" for example if i forgot full user name of roda and i wanna find roda on member search ! there write "roda" and click on search button after click i got result . but there i got only one id which name was "my roda" n i got many result whic was other named like >> REDCHODE , dhiLagottestocher , fendinobi , diahindralestari thats type of id !! is it not bad ? i was finding "rodayao" but i got lots of other user name .. so do like that if is search roda then i got this type of result which name connected like > rod , ro , roda , rodaa , rodae , rodo ... that type of ruselt .. i mean we need to get that type of result which user name conected with "roda" letter . and in when i serc roda that ruselt need to come out from like > Old username , popular username , Last Login .. i mean after serch any user name that user name result need comes from that type of options . (12 years ago)

manish that what i was trying to say . people cant chat without mod ! (12 years ago)

@shanky, if the admin would assign mods and then give those mods they assigned the power to mod a member, then I dont think it would be a problem.. The moderators that time able to manage the 24/7 monitoring.. I am not saying that it was zero percent abusers, but it wasnt as much as today .. There were times that mods were all chatting at the same time, but due to timezone differences they were able to maintain the 24/7 monitoring.. (12 years ago)

@dear rodayao..that could be a go0d idea.. Honestly, in times that i used to go to chatr0om, i am asking to change their dialect to english, but then they are still speaking in the way they use their c0untry language, that made me feel n0thing in a room, so i used to leave and went here to f0rum,. Besides of having 100 per cent trusted users, maj0rity is using intern language.. Here i am n0t b0red.. (12 years ago)

@jhayzeus, thats exactly what am trying to say that is why I suggested to make rooms according to dialect like English, Arabic, etc.. Those member who cant speak directly or understand english can chat to the room they are comfortable with and for those member who wants to learn english enter the English room.. besides this is our national language so everyone should know how to communicate in english right? Given an instance that I wanted to chat or wanted to be a part of the conversation then how am I going to do that if the member inside of the room were chatting in hindi, urdu, bahasa, etc? Do you get me guys? before, there were members from UK, USA, Australia, etc who used to chat here in OS, but see what happened now, they are all gone because rooms were dominated by non- english countries  (12 years ago)

continuation... And maybe the dialect they use is not suitable for a person to get over..Communication is imp0rtant..english language is the only medium to unite internationally..Sometimes i used to go here on f0rum than in chatr0oms, it is because english is used and esier for me to understand even there are hundreds or thousands of topic.. I think you already get my point.. If you disagreed, then say it, i will accept.. Ting! End of my oppinion. (12 years ago)

..some times i felt bored in os chatr0om..wanna know the reason? It is because there are only few persons who where there.. Sometimes 2 or 3 per room.. And in just one room there are three to four languages occuring,. I get confused..As i have red there in your previous conversation, in the past os chatroom,. A single room used to have about 20 persons..i think a room can be filled with that as many users by having a suitable language for them to get over the flow of conversation..and of course, when a person have seen a room filled with many users, then that room is a great stimulus that will make that person go to the room..the manier the better.. main reason maybe, there are limited rooms..and there is n0 place for them to go, rather to join a roomComparing to the present room, ohh.. I have not seen a room filled with that kind of number..maybe they only want to have room ownership,. And that increases the number of rooms that's why many rooms where being emPtied or one person only... And maybe the dialec (12 years ago)

i got it roda some where yo idea is gud but os already get many changed and peoples likes this os ... maybe when parmanent room will apply then maybe users will not want chat in that room btw i agree with you .... (12 years ago)

@manish, thats good for you, but how about the others? I am not asking to bring back old chatroom, I just want to see the members unite.. The design and features of the current chatroom is amazing but I cant see connection between people.. Do you get what I mean guys? This exactly the reason why OS lobby is always empty.. (12 years ago)

@YFF, I understand how you feel and I know that you would not get what am saying..Two years back or so there was a room name "ENGLISH" everyday, there were more than 20 and above people who used to chat.. These people came from different countries so most members knew one another n bcoz of that some also learned to speak different languages.. I see both chatrooms that is why I have the guts to say this because I experienced them both and was able to compare them.. (12 years ago)

thankz manish..merci merci.. (12 years ago)

thanks shanky bro  (12 years ago)

Admins here is a Relation option .. there only showing single , in a relationship etc ... but we dont know he/she is in relationship with whome ?? so apply that like we can ad user name of that whome relationship with someone .. (12 years ago)

thanks all.. !!! (12 years ago)

tr0ugh web? (12 years ago)

heyy admins can you add some options on pc forum ? options like > smiles , Font , Font size , Bold , Italic , font color , check this image >> http://i39.tinypic.com/14cgpbl.png its will cool options for forum .... (12 years ago)

you can see os lobby is permanent room but no one user is chating in that room so if admins will create other permanent then that room will also empty like os lobby  (12 years ago)

roda @ thats gud ... 5 or 6 chatroom is better but everyone want own room and peoples like. i dont know about old chatrooms but this new chatroom is better and people like it much ! yeh here so many empety room to coz they alsso want to open his room but all users like to chat is old room or his/her friends room so thats y other rooms are empety  (12 years ago)

..  (12 years ago)

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