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wow, I had this ownskin application on my extraordinary smart phone since I don't know when and i did not knew about its existance! It's only 2day, a boring,monotanous day like others that I felt on this magical application that leads to an astounding social website. Actually, now I realise that you can only judge how a day has only when the day is over. Ownskin is gr8. i can do everythin' I want on it. It's a bit like facebook but I prefer is formatting Bcause its more sophisticated than FB. Now that I have my own ownskin account, I can make my friendlist more interesting. by the way hello all ownskinners. Plz do not hesistate to add me to yur friendlist. I'll be more than enchanted to make new friends.Toodles....F1T (10 years ago)

 (10 years ago)

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