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A man who truly loves you will neva let you go,no matter how the situation is.A woman who truly love you will be angry at you for so many things but will stick around.. (11 years ago)

Men should know that if a woman says its over, definitely its over. Men should also know that women are good in expressing emotions n affections so beware bcz kisses doesn't always mean "i love you". Men should also know that if his woman doesnt check her as often as before, it could mean that she might be busy checking somebody else. Men should know that if woman is not talking or replying to msg, it means she is not interested with you, and Lastly Men should also know that if a woman really loves you, no matter how many gfs you have, she will stick on u, even if she feels like giving up..I am not saying that these are 100% true, but just possibilities..LOL (11 years ago)

Noted!!! thanks bimberly & myroda for sharing  (11 years ago)

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