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 why do you Love your boy/girL friend ??

Why do I Love you??? Because that person is you Because it was you,,, if not you, I wouldn't Love  (10 years ago)

m still single  (10 years ago)

Cs sh's sexy nd al sh lik is 2 mak lov (10 years ago)

He's simple. (10 years ago)

because she x the only 1 in dis world nd she x for me unique in whole world (10 years ago)

Because he more careless after my family & my friends(awww cute!) (10 years ago)

'cause she's myeverything... (10 years ago)

Hmm... Good question!! I love her bcoz of few habbits- 1. She never told me when she is dissapointed u guys knw y? Bcoz she dnt want to spoil my mood. 2. She always wait for me no matter how much i am late 3. She always came back no matter how much rudely i talked with her 3. She always says me sorry no matter how much rubbish i talk and u knw guys which i usually do4. Whenever i feel alone ( i am staying away from my family members) dnt knw how she realises it and try to to be with me as long as she can 5. Whenever i got angry she came close to me without saying any word stared at me till i looked in her eyes too. Frankly speaking guys i dnt deserve her bcoz angels cnt be in love wid a satans any ways i thinks this post becomes too large sorry for it bt i still didn't find out y i love her i think thats what the love is all aboutu cnt be in love wd person becoz of 1 or 2 or even 100 reasons u will surely need a 10000 page book and sometimes even thats not enough (10 years ago)

coz she care for me morethen herself.. (10 years ago)

 (9 years ago)

I love his voice . (9 years ago)

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