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Last login: 5 years ago
Skinner since: 5 years ago
Gender: Male
Age: 33

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About Me

I have always loved big tits. Luckily for me, I grew up around women with pretty impressive racks. My grandmother, Donna, wore a 40G bra according to one I took out of her top drawer one day. She had 3 daughters, all of whom were also blessed in the chest department. My mother, Bonnie, was the smallest at a 36F, followed by her older sister Lynette, who was a 38F, and last but certainly not least was the baby, my Aunt Joan at a massive 38G. I often found myself barely able to hide my hard-ons whenever they were around, which was quite often.

However, the older women in my family weren't the only ones who ended everyday with sore backs. I'm speaking of course, of my sister Jenny, who was older than I by two years. She began developing early, and now, at the age of 26, she had beautiful 36DDD teen tits. This story is about her.

I obviously noticed my sister's big tits porn, even if she was my sister. I spent countless summer days staring at them by the pool in the backyard as she lay out in tiny bikinis, threatening to burst at the seams as her boobs stretched the fabric of her tops. I'll never understand how my dad let her get away with that.

Finally, after years of staring, one night when I was 18 and she was 20. I decided to take things a step farther. It was a hot June day that started like any other; I was trying to contain my boner as I stole glances at my sister by the pool, and then feeling the enormous urge to get jack off. However, this day ended differently than those before it. I knew my parents would be going out to dinner that night, so instead of jerking off right after coming in from the pool like I usually did, I managed to hold back for something I hoped would be better big tits lesbian.

7:45 rolled around and my parents left to head to the restaurant. By 8:30 it was dark and that's when my sister said

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